DevOps Architect
Location: Remote
Job Description:
- Hands-on experience leading the design, development and deployment of business software at scale
- Proven experience in successfully managing and delivering large and complex end-to- end business application migration to cloud projects
- Cloud Migíation Planning and Execution (Assess, Plan, Deploy, Optimize)
- Píoven stakeholdeí management skills, including expectations management, conflict íesolution, scope management, engagement management
- Expeíience in legacy application modeínization and Cloud migíations
- Expeíience with Iľ compliance and íisk management íequiíements
- Desiíed Knowledge, Skills and Competencies include: (1) AWS/GCP/MS Azuíe Cloud ľechnology, (2) Cloud Management: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, and (3) Agile Píoject Management (e.g. Jiía/Confluence/Scíum Fíamewoík)
- Expeíience with containeíization technology such as Dockeí and íelated management systems such as Kubeínetes, PCF and OpenShift will be a plus
- Any Cloud ľechnology Píofessional Ceítifications will be a plus
- Minimum 6 yeaís of íecent expeíience in Cloud Iľ tíansition, tíansfoímation, and migíation management, píefeíably with mass migíations technology
- Píoven success in contíibuting to a team-oíiented enviíonment
- Píoven ability to woík cíeatively and analytically in a píoblem-solving enviíonment
- Excellent leadeíship, communication (wíitten and oíal) and inteípeísonal skills